The last installment was how to get rock solid testimonials. Remember gone are the days where a "these guys are great !!!!" quote will suffice. Bolster up your case. You need pictures, videos, and voice recordings from raving fans you've created which people can access on your site and be made aware of through your literature. So get on it.
The next part of the (how we market our clubs approach) is web presence. I know most of us are not techie types that goes for yours truly. I'm a gym rat so when I don't know how to do something web related I just go to the nearest Battlestar Galactica Convention and ask someone who does. OK J/K these folks help you make money so enough of the wise cracks.
Let's get started if you think having a web page is enough your nuts. I know some clubs that don't even have that so at least you are trying. Unfortunately you are competing with every other yo-yo with a gym and GoDaddy account. Over the next couple posts we'll break down the strategy of the most effective type of site, how to set it up, how to differentiate it from the pack and why you must convert your old static site now or disappear from the web cause you are wasting money. We'll also talk about how to get noticed by the search engines which important if you want to get noticed by people looking for your site. Guess what while you are working on yours I'm going to take some of my own medicine and apply some of the same changes to my sites. So the look and feel of this site may have a metamorphosis right under your nose.

  1. The best type of sites to get people excited about you are, you guessed it, blogs.
  2. Go Set up a blog at blogger or wordpad it's free.
  3. Register your domain at or ex use your club name and town for ex
  4. Point your new blog to this address it just looks better.

Congrats! , You have completed the most important steps next time we'll get deeper into set up and content. I'll also share why the blog is a better way to get noticed than a regular generic general info type site with club hours, aerobics schedule, pics of your club with the address. Go get set up!


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