How To Create & Use Testimonials That Stop People Dead In Their Tracks!!!
Posted by Frank Emanuel at 1:46 AM
Testimonials That Will Convert Even The Biggest Skeptics Into Trusting, “Ready-To-Buy” Customers!!!
I've always told my Membership advisors there are 3 main reasons why people fail to purchase.
1. They don’t want what you are selling.
2. They cannot afford what you are selling.
3. They don’t believe your claims about the product you are selling. (i.e. –They don’t believe you!)
For the 1st installment of our Club Marketing Makeover let’s focus on #3
What OTHERS Have To Say about You or Your Club or Program Is Far More Believable Than What You Have To Say!!!
So how do we harness these words of wisdom? Do we pack our advertisements & sales presentation books with tons and tons of written testimonials?
Fantastic gym! You guys have really created a wonderful place.
John F.
Incredible! Incredible! Incredible! Your weight-loss programs are incredible!
Michelle C.
Well, I used to think so but then I stumbled across afar more effective strategy that I just have to share.
I know what you're thinking OH! I got it Frank. You want us to get Before and after pics!
Well Sort of. But let's crank it up a notch. That stuff’s not believable. Remember, we live in world that’s full of lying, thieving, con men who will try to swindle you out every last dime you have.
Look… with this increasingly skeptical world that we now living in, you must offer your prospects more proof. Solid, verifiable, testimonial proof like...............
How about a pic of your excited newly slimmer member holding a huge sign singing your praises.
A picture says a thousand words. (The messages on signs held are far more believable than the typical…
“Fantastic gym! You guys have really created a wonderful place.”
…weak, semi-believable, & lacking written testimonials that are so common place in ads!)
So how do we Collect “Testimonial Photos”
1. Whenever you are talking to an extremely happy/thrilled member… take notes and/or record your conversation with them.(Get Permission)
2. Immediately (while they’re still “in heat”) ask them if they wouldn’t mind taking a testimonial-photo for you because, “Boy, we sure live in a skeptical world here my friend. It’s good to hear that you believe in my club… and I could really use your help.” (9 times out of 10 they’ll be more than happyto take a few testimonial photos for you.)
3. Tell them that based on the conversation you just had with them that you’d like to put together a testimonial sign for them to use in the photograph. Inform them that you will first fax them a copy ofwhat the sign will say… so that they can approve it. After they’ve signed off on the “proof” of the sign, you will then need to send them the sign (already made) + a camera & instructions on how to take the photos. (Where you want them to stand, what you want in the background, how many people you want in the photos, etc., etc.) You must do all of this for them, otherwise, they’ll never get around to doing it.
Trust me on this. People are just too busy
4. Give them a postage-paid return box/mailer that’s been pre-addressed… so that they can easily return all the stuff to you.
It’s important for you to follow all those instructions; otherwise it’s unlikely that you’ll ever see the photos.
Until next time, go make some raving fans!
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