Hope you have been enjoying your summer. Just wanted to write a quick note saying I am sorry that I haven't written much.


Well I don't need to tell you their is a recession going on. Things have gotten a ugly - quickly for a lot of good people.
But for the last 4 months I have been burning the midnight oil looking for opportunities.

During every recession and even depression there are those who were once successful - now at the bottom of the heap.
Those who are smart enough to find opportunities that didn't exist before and turn it into lemonade ( piles of dinero)

THE GOOD NEWS is .....
I have found 3 or 4 of these opportunities and I will be sharing them with you over the next few months.
These aren't stratagies that "SHOULD" or "COULD" work. They are instead things that ARE working now.

I have invested thousands of dollars traveling the country meeting with these "under the radar" club owners personally to make sure they are the real deal. NO - BS here,
That's why I haven't been able to write more often--- Sorry

In fact I am involved in them personally and now I'll spill the beans to you as a loyal Health Club Pro Follower so you can get the results these folks to.

If nothing else- you should know about these programs and I am dedicated to bringing them to you!

One of the most important principles of marketing is focusing each ad on a specialized niche. By doing this we can use copy that specifically targets the group we are looking for and have a much greater chance of getting our message across.
A good example of this is the "Chicken Soup for the Soul" series. They could have left this at just a few volumes of the general book and sold a couple million copies.

Instead they created more specialized editions like "Chicken Soup for the Pre-Teen Soul" and "Chicken Soup for the Teachers Soul" and "Chicken Soup for the Dog Lovers Soul" etc.

The last time I checked they had over a hundred of these specialized titles. The result is over 80 million books sold. That shows the incredible power of specialization. We want something that is just for us.

So instead of advertising a mempership program, you could offer a special "Bridal Bootcamp Program" or a "New to the Neighborhood Program" or a "Teacher's Special" or "Special Membership for Real Estate Professionals", Etc.

You get the idea.

You may have to create some partnerships for these to work correctly. An example would be to contact all the local Real Estate offices and you could figure out away to market to 2 of the above groups.
As you can see another advantage of specialization is that you can target your ads more directly and save on your advertising budget. Rather than trying to advertise
to everyone in the vacinity of your club you can focus on just getting
to the people you are targeting.

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