I love lists and I love marketing! Top 10 lists, laundry lists, to do lists, play lists, set lists. Nothing could be easier. Get in, take what you need, leave the rest. Ironically, with marketing I get carried away on elaborate plans and crazy ideas but when it's time to get down to the nitty gritty here's a list of some really effective simple stratagies I've used through the years. I thought some of you could use some quick ideas to spark the fire.
  1. Guest passes

  2. Flyer's

  3. Doughnut Box

  4. Bottled Water

  5. Take One

  6. Newsletters

  7. Banners

  8. Bandit Signs

  9. Crazy Inflatable Characters on the roof

  10. Sign Flipper

  11. Wrapped Car

  12. Live Remote Crash

  13. Open a phone book and call

  14. Healthy Recommendations sponsorship at Restaurant

  15. Pizza Box Sticky Note

  16. Door hangers at the cleaners

  17. Car wash

  18. Hold A Bridal Boot Camp

  19. Testimonials

  20. New Member Packets

  21. Perks Program

  22. CD/DVD Tour

  23. Trainers Client List

  24. Invite a Friend

  25. Give aways

  26. Internal Posters

  27. Open House

  28. Business of the Week

  29. Corporate Lunch

  30. Club Bucks

  31. Thank You Cards

  32. Birthday Cards

  33. Blog (Not for the faint of heart)

  34. You Tube Tours

  35. Website

  36. Travel Certificate

  37. Inet Radio Show

  38. Weight loss Seminar

  39. Point of sale Referrals

  40. Chotski Giveaway for referrals

  41. Referral contest

  42. Event Calender

  43. Group X Schedule

  44. Scratch offs

  45. Bar Promo

  46. Race day Stretch

  47. Health Fair

  48. Blood Drive

  49. Renewal List

  50. Google Profile

  51. My Space Page

  52. Chamber Membership

There are a ton of ideas out there that can be used even on shoestring budgets. If you have any questions about how to implement any of these ideas or the ton of others I have tried please email me a healthclubpro@gmail.com


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